Thursday, October 15, 2020

12:00PM to 1:30PM

“Living with Grief”

David Achata

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David Achata is an ICF certified executive coach (PCC) specializing in helping leaders gain clarity around their vision and to implement simple, transferable people strategies. He has worked with leaders and teams from multi-billion-dollar companies as a trainer, facilitator and organizational health consultant. David's experience is unique in that he is also an ordained minister (MDiv). For twenty years he has worked as a pastor, church planter, and with church planting teams in Florida, Washington, California, and Tennessee. He is the author of In The Caverns: The Darkness of Grief & The Dawn of Life Change, which chronicles his story of loss, disorientation and healing.

Susan Latta, LMFT

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Susan R. Latta is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. She has worked in a private practice, hospital, or hospice for the past 39 years. She is the Director of Grief Counseling at Hospice of Chattanooga. Susan provides 1:1 counseling to individuals, families, and children. She facilitates grief support groups and coordinates the yearly grief camps for teens and children. She teaches in various capacities for universities and organizations about the complexities of grief. She holds a Fellow in Thanatology through the Association of Death Education and Counseling. She maintains a small private practice. She is the co-founder of Heart to Heart, a non-profit organization that provides compassionate touch and presence to those whose lives have been affected by catastrophic illness and trauma. She grew up in Southern California, where she returns frequently to see her family and to spend time by the Pacific Ocean.


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